What’s the Difference Between a Misdemeanor and a Felony?

A man in an orange jumpsuit with his head bowed, facing a judge in a courtroom.

Criminal charges are broken down into two main categories; misdemeanors and felonies. A misdemeanor is considered a lesser offense than a felony. Yet, there are several things individuals should be aware of when facing criminal charges. Here we’ll discuss the main differences between misdemeanors and felonies and what you’ll need to know if you’ve been charged with a crime.


What Are Your Rights During Arrest and Questioning?

A man wearing a suit is sitting in the driver's seat of a car. He is being questioned by a police officer.

It can be hard to know what to do when you get arrested, especially while panicked and confused. The most important thing that everyone should understand is that there are legal rights they have that protect them during an arrest. But what are these rights, and how are they useful? Let’s review your rights when arrested and what you should and shouldn’t do when detained by police.


How to Fight Drug Charges in New Jersey

If you’re found in possession of a controlled substance, you’re at risk of spending years in prison. Suffice to say, fighting these charges and hopefully reducing penalties or getting your case dismissed is something many defendants would love to do. To avoid the penalties associated with New Jerseys drug laws, it’s imperative you understand exactly what you’re up against. With a good law firm like Shugar Law Office, you’ll have a better chance at winning in court. 


How to Fight a Shoplifting Charge in New Jersey

A woman wearing a jean jacket, a beige top, and a red skirt puts an apple into her pocket at the supermarket.

If you’ve been arrested on shoplifting charges in New Jersey, chances are you’re in a situation that is both scary and stressful. Being charged with shoplifting can lead to financial penalties and the possibility of jail time. Yet, there are things you can do to fight a shoplifting charge in New Jersey. With the help of experienced counsel, you can significantly reduce your chances of severe penalties.


What Is the Difference Between Reckless and Careless Driving in New Jersey?

You’ve probably heard people use the terms reckless and careless driving when discussing roadway incidents. While some may believe those two terms are interchangeable, that notion can’t be further from the truth.

In reality, careless and reckless drivers differ in their intent, and, as a result, how dangerous the law deems them varies greatly. This, in turn, determines what charges an individual will face in the court system. To learn more, here are the differences between reckless versus careless driving in New Jersey.


Understanding Unlawful Possession of a Firearm Charges in New Jersey

A selection of guns sitting on a table. The most visible gun, a revolver, has had its ammo removed.

Although some citizens are allowed to own firearms in New Jersey, there are many conditions when possession is illegal. The consequences for unlawful possession of a weapon in NJ are as harsh as they are complicated, as many factors can influence the severity of the charge. To learn more about illegal firearm possession in New Jersey, here’s an overview of the state’s various gun laws and what consequences can be expected.


What to Look For in a Criminal Defense Attorney

Anyone facing criminal charges will want an attorney who can offer professional legal advice and represent them effectively in a court of law. However, it is challenging to determine what makes a criminal defense lawyer excel at their job, especially if it is your first time being  charged with a crime. If you’re wondering what to look for in a criminal defense lawyer, here are five traits that can help steer you in the right direction.


The Penalties for Underage DUI in New Jersey

A DUI offense in New Jersey comes with significant penalties. Depending on the specific offenses committed, one can expect to face fines, possible jail time, and the loss of their license. Yet, what happens when a minor is charged with DUI in New Jersey? The penalties for underage DUI can differ from a DUI charge for an adult.


Is There a Statute of Limitations on Traffic Tickets in New Jersey?

If you are issued a traffic ticket in New Jersey or any other state, authorities have until the statute of limitations runs out to file a summons. A statute of limitations is the length of time parties have to begin legal proceedings, but the amount of time will differ based on the offense. Here are the possible variations for the New Jersey traffic ticket statute of limitations and what violations cause them.


Is It Illegal to Turn Around at a DUI Checkpoint in New Jersey?

Approaching DUI checkpoints can be anxiety-provoking for drivers, regardless of whether they have been drinking or if their blood alcohol content (BAC) would read within the legal limits. If you’re a New Jersey resident or a visitor to the city, you may be wondering if it’s illegal to turn around at a DUI checkpoint in the state. The short answer is, for the most part, no. However, there are certain instances where an officer may be required to stop a driver who avoids the checkpoint. Let’s dive into DUI checkpoints and the legalities surrounding them.

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