Can You Fight a Restraining Order in New Jersey?

Are you facing the criminal charge of violating a restraining order in New Jersey? If so, you may be wondering if it’s possible to fight this charge. You may think that there’s no way to win or get your freedom back once the court issues a restraining order against you. The truth is, however, that it is possible to contest a restraining order and potentially have the charges dropped with the help of an experienced attorney from Shugar Law Office. This blog post examines the legal steps needed to challenge a restraining order in New Jersey so that you can restore your freedom and clear your name.


A Guide to Stalking Laws in New Jersey

Stalking is a serious criminal offense in the state of New Jersey. In this comprehensive guide, we will define what actions qualify as stalking in New Jersey, discuss the various types of stalking, and detail the potential legal consequences for those found guilty.

At Shugar Law Office, we want you to be fully informed about the law. We’ve made it our mission to educate citizens regarding the New Jersey legal system, its complexities, and the consequences of being convicted of a crime.


Understanding NJ’s New Rules for Pre-Trial Interventions Regarding Minor Marijuana Offenses

The legalization of marijuana in New Jersey has brought about a new set of regulations, making it important to stay up to date on the latest requirements. Prior to the most recent ruling by New Jersey’s Supreme Court, counties and local jurisdictions varied on their acceptance of individuals for PTI if they had previously had prior minor marijuana offenses. This led to a great deal of confusion within the legal system, leading to this latest ruling. 

If you have a minor marijuana offense on your record, you may be wondering what steps are necessary to comply with the new PTI requirements. Let’s dive in and explore everything you need to know about the new PTI requirements for minor marijuana offenses in New Jersey.


New Firearm Laws in New Jersey for 2023

In order to combat the substantial rise in gun-related crimes in New Jersey, Governor Murphy has recently signed several new firearm laws in the state. These laws range from stricter concealed carry restrictions to the tracking of ammunition sales with electronic records. New Jersey is only behind California in having the strictest gun laws in the United States.

Here we’ll go over some of the changes recently made to New Jersey’s gun laws and how they may impact your ability to carry a firearm in the Garden State.


Understanding New Jersey’s Implied Consent Laws

“What is implied consent?” It’s a question many New Jersey drivers may have asked themselves, especially after being pulled over for a suspected DUI/DWI. Implied Consent Law in New Jersey means an individual has given “implied consent” to any breathalyzer or chemical tests requested by a police officer if pulled over on a public road. This consent is given when one applies for and receives a driver’s license in the Garden State.

Implied consent is an important part of traffic law designed to protect the public from individuals who may be under the influence while operating a motor vehicle. Although Implied Consent Laws in NJ allow a police officer to request you test for drugs or alcohol when suspected of DUI/DWI, it does not mean you have to legally consent to a test, but doing so will come at a cost. Let’s review some aspects of Implied Consent Law in New Jersey.


Don’t Drink and Drive This Holiday, or You Could Be Spending the Season in Jail!

Mostly everyone loves to have a drink with family and friends during the holiday. Sharing an alcoholic beverage with a loved one is seen as entirely natural and celebratory — unless you decide to drive afterward. Driving while under the influence of alcohol is a serious offense in New Jersey because of how unsafe it is to drive impaired. It will also result in harsh penalties if you’re ever caught. How extreme these punishments are can differ greatly depending on several factors, but many result in heavy fines and/or jail time. If you still want to afford holiday gifts and spend time with your family this season, here’s an overview of New Jersey DUI penalties to persuade you not to drink and drive.


Understanding Third-Degree Burglary Charges in New Jersey: What You Need to Know

Burglary offenses are among one of the many serious crimes one can commit in New Jersey. Facing charges for burglary can be stressful and confusing, as they are more detailed than what you might initially expect. For more information on the penalties for burglary convictions, here’s an overview of what you need to know about New Jersey burglary sentences.


Will I Go to Jail for a Felony Charge in NJ?

Being convicted of a crime is an incredibly stressful experience — especially if you’ll have to spend time in prison. However, what kinds of indictable crimes result in jail time, and how long will you be incarcerated if convicted? To learn whether or not an individual will have a jail sentence, let’s review what is considered a felony in NJ and the varying degrees of charges.


Understanding the Differences Between Simple and Aggravated Assault in NJ

A man is being led away by two men who are wearing police uniforms. He has his hands behind his back and is possibly being arrested.

You may have heard the terms simple and aggravated assault before—but do you know how they differ? When a person causes or attempts to inflict physical injury on another individual, it is considered an assault. However, whether or not an assault is deemed simple or aggravated largely depends on the circumstances surrounding the incident. To learn the differences between simple assault vs. aggravated assault, here’s an overview of both and how they’re distinguished by New Jersey law.

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