In order to combat the substantial rise in gun-related crimes in New Jersey, Governor Murphy has recently signed several new firearm laws in the state. These laws range from stricter concealed carry restrictions to the tracking of ammunition sales with electronic records. New Jersey is only behind California in having the strictest gun laws in the United States.
Here we’ll go over some of the changes recently made to New Jersey’s gun laws and how they may impact your ability to carry a firearm in the Garden State.
Mandatory Training and Renewable Licensing
One of the first initiatives set forth by the governor is that those who are interested in obtaining a gun purchaser ID will now be required to participate in firearm training. Additionally, gun purchaser ID cards must be renewed every ten years.
Ammunition Sales to Be Tracked and Reported to the State Police
Ammunition manufacturers and dealers will now be required to keep detailed electronic records on the sale of ammunition in the state. In addition, all ammunition sales must also be reported directly to the State Police.
Requirements on Reporting the Possession of Firearms By New Residents
If you plan on moving to New Jersey, get ready to report any firearms you own to the local authorities. In addition to reporting guns they’re currently in possession of, new residents will also have to apply for a firearm purchaser ID card and must do so within 60 days of their new residency.
Increased Penalties for the Manufacture and Sale of “Ghost Guns”
Another change in New Jersey’s gun laws is the increase of penalties for anyone involved in the manufacture or distribution of “ghost guns” in the state. “Ghost guns” are untraceable firearms that can be purchased in pieces online and assembled later. These weapons have been increasingly tied to gun violence and have gained national scrutiny.
Restrictions on the Sale of Certain Firearms
The sale of certain .50 caliber rifles is now prohibited in New Jersey. Antique firearms are exempt from the new restrictions, but if someone owns one of the newly banned firearms, they’ll need to report their gun and pay a $50 registration fee.
Amendments to New Jersey’s Nuisance Laws
Yet another change to New Jersey’s gun laws include amending the state’s public nuisance laws to apply to the gun industry. These changes will prohibit firearm-related businesses from endangering public welfare through the advertisement, manufacture, sale, or importation of guns within the state.
Issuing Micro-Stamped Firearms
Although further investigations by the state attorney’s office are needed to determine whether this new law is feasible, micro-stamped firearm sales will be required throughout New Jersey. This tracking method will enable local law enforcement to trace guns to bullets and spent casings recovered at crime scenes.
New Concealed Carry Restrictions
One of the more controversial changes to New Jersey’s gun laws is new restrictions on those with concealed carry permits. The governor recently signed new legislation that prohibited licensed concealed carry firearm owners from taking their guns in a number of public places.
These locations include child care centers, courthouses, schools, nursing homes, polling stations, government buildings, hospitals, bars, restaurants that serve alcohol, casinos, airports, parks, beaches, public demonstrations, shopping centers, supermarkets, churches, movie theaters, residences where the gun owner does not have explicit permission to carry a gun, and additional entertainment venues.
The law also requires those that wish to obtain a concealed carry permit to undergo further training and purchase liability insurance before receiving their license. Finally, the law would also stop concealed carry permit holders from keeping a loaded firearm in their car.
It’s important to note that this law, in particular, has been challenged by gun advocate groups who call the new rules unconstitutional.
Legal Efforts Will Continue to Stem the Tide of Gun-Related Violence in New Jersey
Aside from these recent changes in the law, the current state administration pledges to continue its efforts to curtail the epidemic of gun violence in the state. It is hoped that through continued legislative efforts, significant reductions in gun-related crime can be achieved throughout New Jersey.
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